Xolo has launched the Era HD smartphone in India. The device is priced at Rs. 4,777, and is available in Rocky Grey finish. As the name suggests, it has a 5-inch IPS display, with 1280x720p resolution. Coming to the specifications of the smartphone, it is powered by the quad-core Spreadtrum (SC7731G) processor clocked at 1.2GHz, coupled with 1GB RAM and Mali 400-MP GPU. The Xolo Era HD has 8GB of built-in storage, expandable via microSD card up to 32GB. The rear of the smartphone has an 8MP camera, and the front has a 5MP camera. A 2500mAh battery powers the entire package. In terms of connectivity options, the device has, 3G, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth, FM radio, and GPS.
With the launch of the Era HD smartphone, Xolo aims to take on the budget smartphone segment of under Rs. 5,000. Within a budget of about Rs. 7,000, there are a number of smartphones available, such as the Meizu M2, Xiaomi Redmi 2 Prime, Yu Yuphoria and more. You can check out our list of best smartphones under Rs. 7,000, here. If you have a budget of Rs. 10,000, you can check out our list of 10 samrtphones that you can consider.
Xolo also recently launched the Xolo Black 1X smartphone in India. Priced at about Rs. 10,000, the smartphone has decent specifications, including 32GB of built-in storage, and 3GB of RAM. Since most smartphones in this price bracket offer 16GB of built-in storage, it is nice to see a device being introduced with 32GB of built-in storage.
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